David Pearl: The Wanderer

Timothy Leary once told us to Turn on, tune in and drop out; to unplug from the mainstream distractions and get to know yourself a bit better. but did you know that this is a habit that’s adopted by most of the high-functioning creatives today? AND… did you know that you can use it too?

David Pearl is the creative force behind the global World Wide Wander social movement – where common business problems are solved by going out and immersing yourself in your surroundings; be it the highlands or the high street. We don’t pay enough attention to Nature’s simple solution for high-speed brain power.

In one of the most entertaining podcasts we’ve ever done, David takes us through his unique method for helping blue chip companies unleash their creative potential using some of the most innovative methods of workshopping we’ve ever heard of!

From Mozart to Mowgli, we explore how creative solutions used in the world of entertainment have crossed over into the commercial world.

Measuring the felt world

Lessons learned from working with Stanley Kubrick

Drafting and redrafting creative content

The Flaneur movement

How the unexpected things are the stuff of life

Experience Engineering

Do brainstorming sessions work?

The two phases of the creative act

Does giving away creative power affect mental health?

Score keeping in a marriage

And the wonderful solution for the end of The Italian Job

Show notes

Our sponsor – new business development platform The Advertist: https://www.theadvertist.com

David’s LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidpearlhere/

The Street Wisdom movement: www.streetwisdom.org

The Selective attention test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo