Episode 7: Cherry Business Consulting

Cherry is the new business agency founded by Lucy Snell and Katie Horvath. In this episode, we debate whether or not to pause your new business activity in a crisis, what the new normal of sales looks like and the drawbacks of creating video content in your car.

Links to references in the show are below.

Jeremy Davies also gives us his humorous views on the benefits of product innovation and new business.

Episode overview

Fresh territory for prospecting, what areas to avoid, value exchange, extreme pivoting, waking sleeping giants and virtual pitching.

Impact of Covid 19 on European tech – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Kgh_ZcWw2Fz87Kg7VBvE1oT1xGXCaowoP7RqOfh2Pgs/edit#gid=1725301510

Covid 19’s Ripple Effect on Economy and Society – https://www.notion.so/COVID-19-s-Ripple-Effect-Mapping-Out-The-Societal-Economic-Consequences-ee320975f0d64cbc8a6c9df92b14348b

Arun Sudhaman’s PRovoke article on virtual pitching: https://www.provokemedia.com/latest/article/%27we-are-all-virtual-now%27-is-remote-working-the-future-for-agencies

How you can streamline a pitch to cut time and costs.  https://www.thedrum.com/news/2020/04/07/the-rule-book-has-been-ripped-up-agencies-rethink-pitching-during-coronavirus

Check out Cherry at http://www.cherrybusinessconsulting.com/

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