Hank Blank 4: Time to get networking!

HankProfilepicHank Blank is back. It’s like he never left.

Hank is our man in the USA for new business and client-side agency searches. Last time we spoke to him, we were in the epicenter of the second wave of the pandemic. Now eight months later, Hank is here to update us on how clients are managing with their agency searches and pitch lists.

It’s a mixed bag of fortunes as Hank’s business has been forced to accommodate this new hybrid way of working, but can pitching via video call compete with pitching in person? Will the client opt for a less creative response because they had in-person chemistry? Don’t forget this is America and the lights never get shut off!

In this show, we discuss:

💥 The future for advertising agencies doing hybrid business

💥How to do agency searches under these conditions

💥The dangers of Zoom calls

💥Problems of finding and retaining talent

💥…and we have time for a couple of Hankisms for 2021.

Plus Jeremy Davies branches out to provide a humorous analysis on the Internet of Trees – he can’t leaf it alone!

Show notes

Hank’s LinkedIn profile HERE

Hank’s web site (a veritable treasure trove of new business intel) HERE

Jeremy Davies LinkedIN profile HERE