About Keith Smith
My company runs the UK's only independent company data, insight and new business tool kit that effectively levels the playing field for new business campaigns. We offer marketing, PR, creative, digital and tech agencies the opportunity to access, affordable, accurate and simple tools to develop new business strategies.
Underpinning this is the support of the UK's leading business development agencies as well as endorsements from comms industry trade organisations.
Entries by Keith Smith
The Fuel Podcast advert
March 4, 2020 /0 Comments/by Keith SmithHow to think like a brand punk
Phil Lewis is a punk. His entire ethos is built on helping marketing teams think of the elusive third, or even fourth way. His unique and distinctive style delivers a new perspective on traditional brand thinking.
Using data responsibly
Being too reliant on data can get in the way of the sales process and your marketing creative. Sometimes, you need to sip from the inspirational cup and trust your gut
A word from our sponsors
With anything like a podcast in the making, you need a dependable and reliable partner to join you on the journey. You need a partner who wants the same things and is prepared to explore brave new media opportunities and boy did we find one.
How to avoid brand bullshit
The branding Gods have shone upon us and delivered a sermon on how to avoid brand bullshit. It’s worth more than the 10 commandments, so read on..
Are you working with a Psycho-Billy Cadillac sales department? If so, you’re not alone.
What happens when you don’t practice joined-up new business? Psycho sales! You’ll never win unless you practice discipline!
#Ad – how the influencers influence
November 18, 2019 /0 Comments/by Keith SmithNothing lasts forever, of that I’m sure
To sell something familiar, you have to make it surprising; to sell something surprising, you have to make it familiar. Rob Bloxham of agency Orb lays bare the bride that is a lasting brand.
Interesting facts
The Fuel Podcast is brought to you with huge thanks to Matt Smith at Quijibo Design our friend, technical and artistic wizard.
Here’s where we live
Produced by Orchard Media Consultancy, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Tel: +44 203 356 3717