About Keith Smith
My company runs the UK's only independent company data, insight and new business tool kit that effectively levels the playing field for new business campaigns. We offer marketing, PR, creative, digital and tech agencies the opportunity to access, affordable, accurate and simple tools to develop new business strategies.
Underpinning this is the support of the UK's leading business development agencies as well as endorsements from comms industry trade organisations.
Entries by Keith Smith
John Caswell: No More Heroes – the new model agency
So many agencies are solving the wrong problem, it’s no wonder we’re over-compensating! Agency leader and creative director John Caswell shows us how to move a business forward using a blend of old-school creativity and new school artificial intelligence.
Keith Smith: Future Shock
How companies and many of their employees are handling the epidemic of Future Shock, as predicted by Alvin Toffler in the 1960s
Keith Smith: Should I Stay or Should I go?
When is the right time to quit working for The Man and strike out on your own? And how do you make sure you stay in business? Advice from previous episodes of Fuel plus the very latest from the Andrew Bloch show.
Andrew Bloch: My Way
The Co-founder of Frank PR on starting out on a new career, advising agencies on growth, M&A activity and working with clients to help finesse their PR strategies through the AAR. All this on top of exercising his extensive PR muscle on the clients he loves to work with.
Keith Smith: When Influencers Go Bad
The next episode of Fuel featuring PR guru Andrew Bloch, sparked a debate about what happens when your influencer marketing spokesperson goes rogue.
Michelle Morgan: Own Your Awkward – a mental health special
How to Have Better and Braver Conversations About Your Mental Health. Creative agency leadership, diversity and inclusion, cloudbusting.
Keith Smith: Are You Lonesome Tonight? Parapraxis & New business special
Special edition: A quick 12 minutes to help you overcome any feelings of nervousness in your new business prospecting
Sam Delaney: Sort Your Head Out – Mental Health without all the Bollocks
Mental health, no bollocks, politics and advertising, agency life, podcasting, drug addiction & recovery, fatherhood, West Ham, brilliant bloke.
Marc Lewis – School of Communication Arts 2.0: Creative Class
The Starmaker. Dean of the star factory – The School of Communication Arts on diversity, creativity, chasing Ferraris. breakdowns and rebuilds, the illiterates of the 21st century and AI and lateral thinking.
Interesting facts
The Fuel Podcast is brought to you with huge thanks to Matt Smith at Quijibo Design our friend, technical and artistic wizard.
Here’s where we live
Produced by Orchard Media Consultancy, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Tel: +44 203 356 3717